Xuanfei Baidu decoction

A Traditional Chinese Medicine formulation.

Phase of research

Potential treatment - clinical evidence

How it helps


Drug status


Supporting references
Contradictory references
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Clinical trials

General information

A Traditional Chinese Medicine formulation prepared from the following ingredients: “ma huang” 8 g,“xing ren” 15 g,“sheng shi gao” 30 g, “chang zhu” 10 g, “yi yi ren” 30 g, “huo xiang” 15 g, “hu zhang” 20 g, “ting li zi” 15 g, “ma bian cao” 30 g, “lu gen” 30 g, “qing hao” 25 g, “ju hong” 20 g, and “sheng gan cao” 10 g. It was used experimentally as an adjunctive therapy in COVID-19 treatment (Xiong et al., 2020).


Supporting references

Link Tested on Impact factor Notes Publication date
Efficacy of herbal medicine (Xuanfei Baidu decoction) combined with conventional drug in treating COVID-19:A pilot randomized clinical trial
TCM Non-randomized controlled open trial Mixed substance

Xuanfei Baidu decoction used as an adjunctive therapy decreased the rate of fever, fatigue, and cough in treated patients. It increased the levels of white blood cells and lymphocytes in particular and decreased the CRP levels and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. No significant improvement in some other COVID-19-associated symptoms was observed, however. Sample size: 22 + 20 control. Dosage: 1 bag/time 200 ml, 2 times/day for one week.


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