Thymosin α1

An immunomodulatory peptide.

Phase of research

Potential treatment - clinical evidence

How it helps


Drug status


Supporting references
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Clinical trials

General information

Thymosin α1 is an immunomodulatory peptide with possible use for the treatment of sepsis, in chemotherapy-induced immunosuppression, acquired immune deficiency syndrome and other (Wu et al., 2020).

Thymosin α1 on Wikipedia


Supporting references

Link Tested on Impact factor Notes Publication date
Thymosin α1 therapy in critically ill patients with COVID-19: A multicenter retrospective cohort study
Peptide Critical severity Cohort study
Patients 3.94

The treatment significantly decreased 28-day mortality and attenuated acute lung injury in critically ill COVID-19 patients. It prolonged the hospital length of stay and the total duration of the disease, however. Sample size: 102 + 232 control. Dosage: 1.6 mg qd or q12 h for >5 days. Endpoints: 28-day and 60-day mortality (primary); hospital length of stay and the total duration of the disease (secondary).


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