
A candidate COVID-19 protein/nanoparticle vaccine.

Phase of research

Potential treatment - pre-clinical evidence

How it helps


Drug status


Supporting references
Contradictory references
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Clinical trials

General information

Ferritin-NP-RBD is a candidate COVID-19 vaccine. It contains SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein RBD conjugated to ferritin nanoparticles and was experimentally administered with CpG-1826 adjuvant. The vaccine provided long-lasting immunization in a mouse model (Wang et al., 2021).


Supporting references

Link Tested on Impact factor Notes Publication date
Ferritin nanoparticle-based SARS-CoV-2 RBD vaccine induces a persistent antibody response and long-term memory in mice
Spike protein Protein factor Animal model In vitro Mixed substance
Vero cells; C57BL/6 mice; SARS-CoV-2 strain C-Tan-nCoV 04 8.48

The vaccine elicited efficient antibody response in mice, which lasted for at least 7 months post immunization. The persistent immune response was supported by maintained memory B cells. The day 35, 217, and 231 sera of immunized mice (on day 0 (vaccine), 14, 28, and 210 (boost)) of the vaccine neutralized live SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells with average MN50 of 10^4.8/ml, 10^4/ml, and 10^4.3/ml, respectively.
